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Updated: 11/09/2022

\ sər-ˈkā-dē-ən ˈri-t͟həm \


Your circadian rhythm is based on a 24-hour internal cycle controlled by the body’s biological clock. This rhythm influences sleep patterns, digestion cycles, the release of hormones, body temperature and eating habits. Outside environmental factors, like daylight and light from tech devices, can impact a person’s circadian rhythm.

The Fine Print

Consider circadian rhythm the OG alarm clocks. When you sleep during the day, eat at odd hours, wake up in a new time zone or scroll Instagram into the wee hours, you’ll find yourself out of sync. An irregular circadian rhythm has been linked to sleep disorders, obesity, depression and seasonal affective disorder.

Where We Come In

We designed the soft, diffused lighting within the Club to support our natural circadian cycles.