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View from behind of a man with hand on his head
Do You Have Crisis Fatigue?

Learn the signs and how you can increase your coping ability.

Woman on phone, wearing a mask
Yes, Flurona is Real — Here’s What You Need to Know

Co-infections of COVID-19 and influenza sounds scary, but read this before you panic.

Woman wearing mask, wrapped in blanket
13 Omicron Surge Tips You Need to Heed Now

How to protect yourself (and others) from the latest COVID-19 variant.

Man with oxygen mask laying in a hospital bed
Why Ivermectin Isn’t a COVID-19 Cure-All

A drug originally meant for livestock is gaining buzz as a treatment.

Long winding road in the desert.
The Difference Between Lingering and Long-Haul COVID-19

Learn the difference — and signs it's time to seek medical attention.

Night sky above trees
How to Know You Need a COVID-19 Booster Shot

Plus, all of your basic booster questions answered.

A brown woman laying on an orange sofa covers her face with an orange balloon.
Your Anxiety Could Be Pandemic Flux Syndrome

Living in a constant state of uncertainty takes a toll — now there’s a term for it.

pink flower in bloom
Is It Allergies or COVID-19?

Before you panic, here's how to tell what's really going on.

Holding hands
The Healing Power of Touch May Be the Missing Link

In the age of COVID, being separated from loved ones can rob us of a basic need for our health and happiness.

woman doing yoga at home
12 Lessons From Quarantine

Despite how difficult the last few months have been, there are some positive takeaways.

man looking out window nyc
The Neuroscience of Letting Go

Our brains have a superpower, known as neuroplasticity, that allows it to adapt to new circumstances. Here, how it works — and how to harness it to your advantage.