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Updated: 11/09/2022

\ ˈkȯr-tə-ˌsȯl \


Cortisol is a stress hormone produced by the adrenal glands. It is produced in response to fear or stress as part of the body’s fight-or-flight response. When the body is under stress, cortisol helps control the functions that are non-essential in a heightened state. In a state of constant stress, cortisol levels stay elevated and can increase the risk for anxiety, depression, digestive problems, weight gain and heart disease.

The Fine Print

Consult your doctor if you are pregnant or taking prescription medication before adding adaptogens to your diet. If your anxiety or depression symptoms become severe and begin to interfere with your daily life, you should discuss your symptoms with your doctor or a mental health professional. You can find resources through the National Alliance of Mental Health at 1-800-950-NAMI.

Where We Come In

Life is stressful. With that comes elevated cortisol levels and with elevated cortisol levels comes a host of health issues. Help keep ‘em in check with a combination of meditation, adaptogens and breathwork.