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Updated: 10/21/2021

Here's your guide to valuable resources to learn more about food and nutrition policy, as well as organizations to support.




The Doctor’s Farmacy with Mark Hyman, MD; recommended episodes:

Tune Into Wellness with Frank Lipman, MD; recommended episodes:


Kiss the Ground: a documentary about agricultural regeneration, an alternative approach to farming that can positively impact our climate while feeding the world.

ACTION: a global health advocacy partnership that works with local organizations across the globe to influence health policy and create a world where all people have access to life-saving care

HEAL Food Alliance: strives to build an accessible, affordable and healthy food system for all communities as well as fair work environments for the people that grow, distribute, prepare and serve their food (@healfoodalliance)

CTZNWell: an organization committed to democratizing well-being for all by breaking down systemic barriers, such as white supremacy, economic injustice and lack of access to healthcare/housing (@ctznwell)

Federal Nutrition Research Advisory Group: a group of thought leaders from diverse backgrounds who are volunteering their knowledge and expertise to help consider and develop a strategy toward a new, robust, coordinated federal nutrition research effort

Food & Nutrition Innovation Institute: an organization at Tufts University’s Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy bringing together business, advocacy and academics

Partnership for a Healthier America: uses the power of the private sector to improve the food supply chain and create healthier environments for children and young adults (@phanews)

Seeding Sovereignty: an Indigenous-led collective that aims to dismantle and replace colonial institutions with Indigenous practices that foster better relationships with our land and environment (@seedingsovereignty)

The Edible Schoolyard: dedicated to transforming children’s health through hands-on educational experiences that foster a connection to food, nature and community (@edibleschoolyard)

Center for Good Food Purchasing: a nationwide network that helps public institutions purchase food in a more equitable way by focusing on local economies, health, animal welfare, environmental sustainability and a valued workforce (@goodfoodcities)

A Growing Culture: a nonprofit organization with a mission to change the way that the world views farmers, and empower them to define and shape their own food system (@agrowingculture)

The Okra Project: brings home cooked, healthy meals and other resources to Black trans people (@theokraproject)

North American Traditional Indigenous Food Systems (NāTIFS): founded by James Beard award winners The Sioux Chef, NāTIFS focuses on education and food access for Native communities facing growing economic and health crises @natifs_org

Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI): a science-based consumer advocacy organization that advocates for an improved food system

As the saying goes: Think globally, act locally. Here are local organizations in major cities across the country that are actively working to better the food systems in their communities.







If your city isn’t listed, check out the Good Food Org Guide, presented by The James Beard Foundation and Food Tank. It’s a great resource to find local organizations working to create a better food system in every state across the country.

Finally, an important part of food equity is supporting local farms in your state and community. One way to do this? Shop your local farmer’s market. Here’s our guide to shopping the farmers market like a chef.