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 Dr. Frank Lipman sits on a chair, cross-legged, arm resting on the back of the chair, lightly touching his other hand that is resting on his thigh. He is wearing blue denim, a blue dress shirt and a navy textured blazer and black glasses. He is smiling, showing his front teeth looking off to the side.

Dr. Frank Lipman

Chief Medical Officer at THE WELL

Updated: 08/31/2024

There are a million reasons not to eat sugar, to purge it from your life and not look back. No news there. What may be news to a lot of people though is all the far-reaching, systemic damage the stuff does to multiple aspects of your physiology when you’re not paying attention. In other words, that cookie isn’t just a cookie, it’s a weapon of health destruction.‍

Turns out, the optimal functioning of so much of you – and down the road, your longevity – suffers when you bomb it with sweet stuff. Within moments of that first ‘hit’ of sweet, the damage roller coaster begins, destabilizing blood sugar levels, triggering spikes and crashes which, over time, translates to chronic metabolic problems like diabetes and obesity and, from there, a shortened lifespan. That’s the ultimate crash.

With all that in mind, it’s helpful to understand the profoundly positive impact that balancing your blood sugar levels has on your health – and how to stabilize those levels so you can stop trouble before it starts. Here’s a topline on how and why taking control of your health in this way is such an immensely powerful, ‘healthspan’-enhancing tool:

Most of us are way out of balance

Does it seem like just about everyone you know these days is being diagnosed as ‘pre-diabetic’? Well, you’re not far off. Fact is, as a nation, we’re eating almost ten times more sugar per person than we did a century ago, and the health cost of that mountain of sugar has been mounting at an ever-increasing rate over the past several decades. We’re in the midst of a nation-wide metabolic crisis, with more than half of adult Americans being either prediabetic or diabetic – with one well-known study indicating that over 90% of us fall in the metabolically unhealthy zone.

Blood sugar levels impact just about everything that matters to longevity

While the number of people in the U.S. headed for metabolic disaster is alarming, know that you don’t have to join the club! The good news is that medical and technological advances have made it possible to more closely monitor what’s going on inside our vessels within seconds of eating or drinking, vastly improving our knowledge and understanding of how factors like diet and lifestyle impact glucose levels (aka the amount of sugar in your blood).

With the help of glucose monitors and health-tracking devices, we can more accurately pinpoint potential hazards virtually in real time, and change behaviors accordingly. That helps keep blood sugar levels on an even keel which in turn helps prevent the kinds of health issues that can ruin, and shorten, lives. But, let blood sugar run amok, spiking, crashing and bouncing around, and there’s trouble ahead, including:

1. Metabolic syndrome – a constellation of conditions including high blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist, and abnormal cholesterol levels. On their own, these conditions increase heart disease, stroke, and diabetes risk, while also reducing life expectancy. Bundled together, they’re even worse. ‍

2. Type 2 diabetes – the all-too-common condition, that can defined by chronically high blood sugar levels and impaired secretion of insulin, the hormone that clears sugar from the blood. People with diabetes face increased risk for cardiovascular disease, kidney failure, nerve damage, and eye problems. It’s a life-shortener, to be sure. 

3. Cardiovascular health – takes a big hit from persistent high blood sugar, in the form of damage to the blood vessels that feed the heart and nerves that regulate its beat. In sum, an increased risk of heart disease and stroke.‍

4. Insulin resistance — this condition, often a precursor to type 2 diabetes, is linked to increased risk for cardiovascular and neurological diseases, as well as weight gain. 

5. Inflammation – is another must-to-avoid, as high blood sugar levels can give rise to chronic inflammation, which is closely linked with many age-related diseases, including heart disease, cancer, and neurodegenerative disorders.

6. Oxidative stress – high blood sugar triggers oxidative stress, damaging cells and tissues, while speeding up aging processes and reducing lifespan.

7. Cellular aging – something no one wants to do faster, but high blood sugar levels will kick it into high gear on several fronts, encouraging the proliferation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs), which contribute to cellular aging and dysfunction, while also speeding up the shortening of your telomeres, the protective caps on the ends of chromosomes. Shortened telomeres are associated with more rapid aging and reduced lifespan.

When you turn the blood sugar ship around, benefits abound

OK, so we’ve laid out the longevity-trashing fallout that comes with unbalanced blood sugar levels, but now comes the fun stuff, as in all the good things that happen when you turn your attention to getting blood sugar levels on track. First up, count on giving your overall health an almost immediate boost, helping to slash risk for the development of chronic health-eroders, like type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, inflammation, and unhealthy cholesterol levels. Certainly a step in the right direction towards a much healthier middle and old age. The pay-off will be enhanced longevity but In the here and now, however, you’ll experience a number of benefits pretty quickly. Among the top ten feel-better-now benefits of stable blood sugar levels:

  1. All day, stable energy levels — with balanced blood sugar levels comes a steady supply of energy throughout the day, minus the spikes and drops that sugary foods and drink set off.
  2. Less brain fog – upgraded cognitive function — whether you’re a college kid or old enough to be their parents, or grandparents, stable blood sugar levels improve your brain’s ability to do all the important things you want it to do better – namely, better memory and concentration, focus, mental clarity and cognitive performance.
  3. A calmer, happier mood — people often don’t realize that their mood swings, irritability, anxiety and depression are exacerbated by, you guessed it, fluctuations in blood sugar – so one more reason to keep ‘em stable.
  4. Better weight control — stable blood sugar helps tame hunger and reduce cravings for high-carb foods and sweet treats.
  5. Better performance, quicker recovery — your muscles do better with stable blood sugar levels as well, ensuring they have a steady energy supply of glucose, and afterwards, can repair themselves with less inflammation.
  6. Better digestive function — consistent blood sugar levels help regulate appetite hormones, promoting better digestion and nutrient absorption, and it’s also helpful in preventing and blunting the severity of conditions like acid reflux and indigestion.
  7. Upgraded and healthy hormonal balance — with stable blood sugar levels, not only do you get improved insulin sensitivity – crucial for warding off insulin resistance – but a number of other hormones will fall in line too, including those related to stress, growth, and reproductive health.
  8. Improved immunity — bouncing blood sugar levels promote poor immune function and stable levels don’t, instead encouraging a stronger immune system, reducing chronic inflammation, and lowering risk of infection – all good news for well-being.
  9. Better sleep quality — many folks don’t realize that erratic blood sugar levels at bedtime are a sleep-stealer, providing sugar-fueled energy at a time when you need it least. Keeping levels on an even keel to help prevent nocturnal hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia, and ultimately a better night’s rest.

So, what’s your next move?

With all these benefits to take advantage of, the next question is, how to get in on the whole balanced blood sugar level deal? It’s easier than you think – just add a little wellness common sense with some tech and you’ll be on your way to feeling and looking great, and a longer, healthier lifespan – starting today. Here are a few ideas on how to get there:‍

  • Start tracking and monitoring your blood sugar levels — pre-diabetic or not, one of the best ways to get an accurate reading of how stable your levels are or aren’t, with a new generation of continuous glucose monitors (CGMs) that measure glucose levels throughout the day and download the data to your smartphone. What’s in it for you? Virtually instant feedback on how your meals are impacting your glucose levels. For example, if you’re seeing post-meal spikes of more than 30 mg/dl higher than your pre-meal levels, it’s time to get a lot more serious about your diet and the choices you make. But being able to take stock of the sugary enemy, in real time with accurate glucose readings, is an excellent tool to help you outsmart it.
  • Healthy diet — focus on whole foods, rich in fiber, healthy fats, and lean proteins while avoiding excessive refined sugars and processed foods.
  • Movement — and plenty of it, throughout the day, just keep moving! Regular (and ideally frequent!) physical activity helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels and improves overall metabolic health.
  • Weight management — maintaining a healthy weight reduces the risk of developing insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.
  • Regular monitoring — regularly checking blood sugar levels, especially for those at risk of diabetes, helps in early detection and management of metabolic problems.
  • Consistent eating patterns — your body loves consistency, so train (or re-train) yourself to eat at regular intervals to prevent blood sugar spikes and dips.
  • Top off your tank — as in, stay hydrated – plenty of water throughout the day will help regulate blood sugar levels.

This article was originally written by Dr. Frank Lipman, Chief Medical Officer at THE WELL, for drfranklipman.com.


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