Look up the term “soulspan” and you’ll likely come up with a few songs, a church or two, a software company or a Swiss rock band. I first came across it in a blog post by Dublin-based cardiologist Dr. Paddy Barrett and for me it was a timely reminder about what we should really be paying attention to as we pursue our worthy goals of health and longevity.
So, ok, maybe ‘soulspan’ isn’t really a ‘thing’ just yet. But it deserves to become one, at least the ideas that animate it certainly do. As most of my patients and readers know, I often talk about ‘health-span,’ the number of years we’re able to physically function well. Well, soulspan speaks to an even bigger issue, as in, what are you doing with all those years? What good is a long life with a well-functioning mind and body if the time you spend on the planet lacks meaning or purpose? I think if we’re honest enough to ask that question, we already know the answer. Which begs the question: how to cultivate and nourish your ‘soulspan’? Here are a few thoughts on how to focus on your ‘soulspan’ and cultivate the behaviors that can help seed a happier, and yes, healthier life:
What’s your soulspan about?
OK, there are a lot of ‘spans’ out there, think lifespan, healthspan, wingspan, and so on. But the one I’m most interested in these days is ‘soulspan.’ It’s a concept that invites you to think about your life in the most expansive way. Put it this way -- a long life is wonderful, but a big life, packed with meaning and human connection, is even better. And so, soulspan is less about the nuts and bolts of everyday living and more about the grand journey of the soul as it goes through various stages of growth, learning, and connecting.
Recognizing one of life’s most precious commodities: time
When thinking about ‘soulspan,’ one of the first things to consider is the age-old question of time versus money, and our relentless pursuit of the latter. Anyone will tell you, living without enough money is pretty darn tough. But people often fail to appreciate that time is also a valuable commodity, one that, these days, is often in short supply. Why is that? There are a million reasons we find ourselves so time poor, but one of the biggest is our mistaken belief that money is the most important metric of success. Let’s face it, chasing the almighty dollar is rarely the most fulfilling way to use the time you’ve been allotted. Time spent with loved ones, time spent in nature, time spent reading, painting or just letting your mind wander – that’s the stuff that fulfills and sustains no matter what the markets may be doing.
Always remember that each of us has a limited number of days, hours, and minutes to spend. Unlike money, which can be earned, saved, or invested, time doesn’t work like that, it simply cannot be replenished. Once a moment passes, it’s gone forever. This intrinsic limitation makes time uniquely precious. When you start to understand what the truly valuable commodities in life are, you’re taking a first step towards creating a much more fulfilling and meaningful one. And that is at the core of creating an abundant soulspan.
Discover what matters to you – and stir your soul
OK, so what else makes the soulspan-supportive list? Not surprisingly, a lot of the essentials I often write about -- the lifestyle tweaks that address not only the physical self but that expand your humanity and your soul – and that, as you may have noticed, don't have much to do with money. The best things in life really are free – like human connection, community, a sense of purpose, gratitude, relaxation, good relationships, laughter. I’m sure you can fill out that list some more with the non-monetary things that will feed your soul.
Get to know yourself a little better
The path to finding meaning and purpose – and working on that soul-span – begins with, you guessed it, a little time taken to reflect on your core values. What truly matters to you? Is it your relationships, creativity, contributing to your community, seeking adventure, or focusing on personal growth? By identifying your values, you create a foundation for understanding what gives you a sense of fulfillment. For a number of my patients, jotting down a few thoughts before bed, or a more formal ‘journaling’ practice over time is an easy way to discover valuable insights. Not really the writing type? Then simply meditating on these questions in a quiet place without screens or distractions can have a similar effect.
Explore your passions
Looking for a sense of purpose? Then dig into the type of activities that ignite your passions to get more clarity. Take the time – it doesn’t have to be a lot or for that matter, an everyday thing – to regularly gift yourself with time to explore and experiment until you find the one (or more!) thing that connects with your soul, gives you a lift, a great feeling, a dose of the warm fuzzies. Call it what you will, but you’ll know when you land on it. Or home in on your purpose by asking yourself, what do you love so much that time seems to fly by when you're immersed in it? What would you do even if you weren't paid for it? Exploring paid work, volunteer work, activities or hobbies that align with your interests will lead you to a deeper understanding of what really drives you. Often, your passions reveal your path to a meaningful life, so pick up the what-am-I-interested-in ball and run with it. Let a sense of play and exploration be your guide.
Let mindfulness practices help trigger discoveries
Practicing mindfulness involves being fully present in the moment, which can lead to a deeper appreciation for life and a greater sense of meaning. Make time for mindfulness practices such as meditation, yoga, or simply taking time to focus on your breath – as any and all can heighten your awareness of the things that bring you joy and fulfillment. This heightened awareness is crucial in guiding you towards a life of purpose – so tap into the mindfulness toolbox.
Share the non-monetary wealth
An impactful way to discover meaning is by sharing the non-monetary wealth through acts of kindness and support for others. You can share and spend your time meaningfully by volunteering, mentoring, or offering assistance. What’s in it for you? A more profound sense of purpose and connection, while also enriching the lives of those you help. Furthermore, the act of giving also contributes to enhancing your own well-being – truly a win-win.
Connecting supports your journey
To help grow your soulspan, and discover your purpose, building relationships and community play a crucial role. When you surround yourself with supportive people who inspire and uplift you. Participate in groups or activities that reflect your values and what’s important to you. Engaging with others not only enriches your life and expands your circle of connection, but also opens you to new perspectives and different ways of thinking that can deepen your own sense of purpose – and a major win for your soulspan.
Evolution is ongoing – that’s the beauty of it
Tending to your soul span and finding meaning and purpose is a lifelong journey. Granted it may take a bit of precious time to find your path, but you’ll be spending that time wisely by always being open to change and new experiences, enabling your understanding of purpose to evolve as you grow. Be flexible, and keep in mind that what feels meaningful today may shift, change and evolve as time goes by and provide the fuel for the meaningful lives we all want.